Set and keep your language-learning New Year’s resolution
The new year is a chance to give yourself a fresh start. While January 1 is technically just another day, switching to a blank calendar
The new year is a chance to give yourself a fresh start. While January 1 is technically just another day, switching to a blank calendar
Check out these Christmas phrasal verbs, and see if you can use them in your English conversations this festive season. look forward to (the festive
Era imposible saber que aquella mañana, el mundo viviría uno de los muchos eventos disruptivos que el siglo XXI le tiene deparado. La tragedia en
The world is not a cake to be shared, so radical speeches, efforts to polarize citizens, and the search for conflict and confrontation are out
There is no planet B is a German initiative that seeks to raise awareness as the last call to citizens and governments to take action
En tiempos tan adversos como los que nos toca enfrentar, una disputa entre el ceviche peruano, el choripán argentino y la tlayuda mexicana elevó los
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