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Saving the planet is saving you

There is no planet B is a German initiative that seeks to raise awareness as the last call to citizens and governments to take action in favor of the planet. Given the one-degree increase in the planet’s temperature in the last fifty years, joint action is not necessary, it is urgent.

The panorama is not encouraging, destiny has caught up with us and climate change is not only a reality for today and we are late in resolving the great challenge that this implies.

The Earth is heating up, faster than we want to accept and what we have been told. Although the forecasts remain conservative, the reality is that according to the last report of the International Panel on Climate Change, we have only twelve years before the temperature of the Earth increases, in the best of the scenarios 1.5 degrees, and in the worst, more fingers.

To speak of the effects of the increase in temperature of the atmosphere is to speak of a world that we do not know, with diseases that we have never faced, hurricanes with winds of more than 600 kilometers per hour, permanent droughts in other latitudes, typhoons, loss of biodiversity, mass migrations and extinction.

Climate change is a great challenge

As if we were talking about a fictitious scenario, there are still leaders who flatly deny the seriousness of the situation, there are even those (such as President Trump or President Bolsonaro, who affirm that climate change is a myth), fortunately, citizen consciences have been Waking up and with wide concern, it seeks to stop the serious deterioration suffered by ecosystems and biodiversity.

In this vein, a few days ago the chilling «Report of the intergovernmental platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services» was published, which reveals the dramatic impact of the actions of current societies on animals and plants. According to the investigations made in the report, we will witness a million species extinction in the short term. In other words, one in eight species on earth will disappear and we will see it.

The chain of impacts that accompanies climate change affects us directly and a point has been reached where it is no longer only important that it be irreversible, it is even more important that it no longer progress.

The excessive use of land and sea has caused such damage to biodiversity that we have lost sight of the fact that what is at risk is our very existence.

Small but forceful changes in our consumption habits and use of resources can help collective actions have a positive and serious impact on the survival of the planet.

The most optimistic experts affirm that although we are already late, it is still possible to generate actions that stop the dramatic deterioration of the Earth, which would result in permanent and conscious behaviors of environmental care.

Becoming aware is the first step, recognizing the urgency is the next.

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