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Strategies for successful interventions at virtual meetings

Strategies for successful interventions at virtual meetings

We want to share with you some valuable strategies to help you intervene successfully in virtual meetings:

1) Get noticed, remember that communication, specially digital communication, is the new power skill that will define your success.

2) Get engaged, use phrases like:

  • Great point. Before we move on, let me add…
  • Actually, there’s something I need to say here…
  • I’m glad you brought that up. I want to add…

3) Be as concise as possible.

4) Be assertive.

Use these strategies to begin a positive, concise, and clear intervention that may help you speaking up for yourself with strength, clarity, and empathy. Remember that it is essential to build trust and connection no matter the distance.

Show proficiency in digital environments is really important to power up your career and to strengthen your way up the career ladder.

It is known that today, the average professional spends over half of their working hours in meetings, making it all the more critical to master new ways of participating and communicating correctly, team building and leadership in digital environments require a vast set of skills to operate an adequate multicultural and high development team.

Don’t forget that the new communication protocol is in constant evolution and now you must find your voice and style according to your core business, your role, and your professional objectives.

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